Aerial, Nature & Surf Photography

Using premium quality drones enables magazine-quality still images of places, people or events from virtually any angle.







Nature Photography Blurb goes here...








While we can't improve your surfing skills, we can definitely nail a few wicked shots of you tearing up the waves!







In-House Digital Editing

Aerial, Nature & Surf images


All images have been taken in a public place, where there is no expectaton of privacy.


If you are in any image(s), and you would like a copy of the image for yourself - please make contact, and I will send you a free high-resolution version.


if you would like the image removed from the site, just reach out and it will be done :)


Nature Images

Surfing Images - Cabarita Beach, NSW

Using the latest software, lenses and cameras - wolfie media can transform ordinary dull images into bright, vibrant, crisp images! ...Not what you want? That's totally cool!


editing is so subjective, and that is why we will generally use the following basic tools to make a start:


temperature / tint, exposure, highlight recovery, shadows, white / black clipping, colour adjustments, noise reduction, cropping & healing.


From there, we can work together and decide what direction you want to go with your images.